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Veggies for breakfast? Sauteed Veggies w/Pan Seared Tofu

Who says that veggies are just for lunch or dinner? Today I am sharing one of my "go to" recipes for a quick, easy, and hearty breakfast. For this recipe, the measurements are up to you, based on your preference for tastes and desire. I am using a few short cuts today to make preparation even faster. You can mix and match the ingredients because it is up to you! Let's get started.

In a medium hot pan, pour in the cooking oil of your choice. I am using olive oil and a small amount of butter. I love the combination of flavor. For my veggies, I am starting off with about 1 1/2 cups of store bought shredded brussel sprouts. I flavored them with a blend of seasoning which I premixed according to my desired taste and added a little bit of extra smoked paprika. I like a little crunch, but you should cook the brussel sprouts to your desired tenderness.

Next, I added some finely diced fresh Baby Bella mushrooms. I have used White, Button, and Porta Bella mushroom before as well. The mushrooms should only be in the pan for a few seconds before you add your next ingredient, as they will only need to be heated through. You don't want them to be a mushy texture.

The next ingredients is chopped fresh baby spinach. I am not a fan of cooked spinach. However, in this dish, I only allow it to wilt just enough to maintain it's texture, but soften enough to digest easier. You will notice that with each layer, I lightly season each ingredient for flavor carry through. This prevents over/under seasoning or too much burn off. You can always at the very end!

I am not opposed to chopping up ingredients. But there is something nice about a store bought pico de gallo. This ingredient is multi-purpose. It has your pepper, tomato, onion, cilantro, and seasoning built right in. The flavor combination is wonderful. I added it to the pan, tossed the veggies and was ready for my next ingredient.

Now for some real flavor! I don't know about you, but I love garlic. I love it on so many things. Before I became Vegetarian, I enjoyed using it to marinate any type of meat. It can be used for so many things, including sauces. It also pairs well with ginger, soy sauce, and sesame oil. In this dish, I added it to the pan, tossed the veggies, and poured it all into a dish.

I normally cube my tofu before I pan sear it. This time I decided to plank/steak it. It was in an effort to try something different. Why not, right? I added just a tad more oil, seasoned my tofu on one side, and placed it in the pan. Once in the pan, I seasoned the other side. The searing time depends on how crispy you like your tofu. I prefer a nice crunch/crisp and a little char.

Here is the finished product, topped off with hemp hearts, and a homemade sauce. It is paired with a nice hot cup of lemon green tea.

Sauce: Real Maple Syrup, Sriracha, Ketchup, and Soy Sauce

Sauce: Real Maple Syrup, Sriracha, Ketsup, and Soy Sauce

I found this tea in a full kit of 10 boxes at Ross. Each box is a different flavor containing 8 bags. The Lemon Ginger was my favorite by far. Hot beverages are good for your digestion, when those beverages are not only herbal, but contain roots such as ginger, it increases the benefit.

I want to thank you for checking out my blog and I hope that you enjoy this recipe. If you decide to prepare it for yourself, please tag me on my social media platforms.

Instagram: @sentuelle

Twitter: @sentuelle

You Tube: thegreychusone

Videos coming soon to my T.H. Green and Company You Tube Channel

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